Topics Discussed:
Hope is the driver of our actions.
The importance of hope in making positive changes.
The power of hope in helping us achieve the ultimate...
“Stop judging yourself for being on this journey; you’re completely making it up that it’s punishment; you’re also completely making it up that it’s a bad thing.”
Topics Discussed:
Drop judgment and be compassionate.
Forgive yourself for being on this...
“A lot of women who don’t feel worthy will overachieve in order to get what they think is going to be the thing that finally makes them feel confident.”
Topics Discussed:
The importance of mindset and self-worth in overcoming infertility.
How to get past your ego and work on...
How to Find The Root Cause of Your Fertility Issues [Podcast Discovery Call]
“Our fertility issues started long before we started trying to conceive whether we saw them or not.”
Topics Discussed:
Why knowing your food intolerances lower gut health issues.
How to prioritize...
Topics Discussed:
Hope is the driver of our actions.
The importance of hope in making positive changes.
The power of hope in helping us achieve the ultimate...
“When you’re going on this journey, you start to become very hyperaware that you can only control so much in your life, and you can’t control what happens in other people’s lives.”
Topics Discussed:
The unique experience of pregnancy.
How to create a positive story...
“You can change the power and strength of your voice, but it’s much easier and less painful when we can first agree that the voice you’ve been given is perfect for now.”
Topics Discussed:
How to release emotions using your voice.
How to explore your reproductive system...
“In the society that we live in, we have to be conscious of the things we have control over and do our best to help the future of our health and our children’s health.”
Topics Discussed:
Pregnancy is not a sign of health.
Radical responsibility for childhood illnesses.
“Whatever it is you think is going to make you happy, for most of us, that isn’t what is going to bring you the happiness you’re truly seeking.”
Topics Discussed:
How motherhood relaxes the mind and body.
How to follow your intuition and be present.
Practices to help...
“The surrender is where the magic is; that is exactly how you manifest.”
Topics Discussed:
How to surrender to manifest.
Mindset practices to get out of the sympathetic stress state.
Focus on the small achievable goals to improve your fertility.
Did you know that surrendering and...
“Anything that’s not resolved will be triggered by someone or brought up in some way, sometimes over and over again, until you figure it out.”
Topics Discussed:
Take care of yourself to prepare for motherhood.
The role of your thoughts in your healing journey.
How to shift...
50% Complete
🦩 Improve your egg quality
🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage
🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments