Writing a Different Story When Dealing with the Grief of Infertility, Miscarriages, and Stillbirths

podcast May 15, 2023

“When you’re going on this journey, you start to become very hyperaware that you can only control so much in your life, and you can’t control what happens in other people’s lives.”

Topics Discussed:

🦩 The unique experience of pregnancy.

🦩 How to create a positive story around difficult situations.

🦩 Find a modality to help you heal and improve your well-being.

🦩 How to deal with loss and grief.

Download your FREE PDF guide:: 3 Steps You Need To Get Right to Improve Your Chances of Getting & Staying Pregnant 

What story are you creating around your infertility or loss of your baby? Are you blaming yourself, or are you choosing to see the positives no matter the outcome? The truth is, you don’t have control over what happens in your life, but you have control over how you choose to react to it.

In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I share my personal experiences with grief and loss and emphasize the importance of creating a positive story around difficult situations. I also explain the importance of using modalities like emotional freedom tapping to release negative emotions attached to difficult memories and situations and create a more emotionally positive state.

Listen in to learn the importance of taking time to grieve your loss and rewrite your story from a negative to a positive one.

“The hard reality is that that human you’re growing inside of you is a completely different person.”

Episode Highlights:

  • [01:36] A reflection on the unique experience of carrying another life inside of you during pregnancy.
  • [03:24] The difficulty of accepting that some outcomes are out of our control, especially when it comes to fertility.
  • [05:04] Understanding that the human you’re growing inside of you is a completely different person from you.
  • [08:28] The power of mindset and how creating a positive story around difficult situations can help you move forward.
  • [11:17] The importance of taking time to grieve a miscarriage and rewrite your story from a negative to a positive one.
  • [15:18] How emotional freedom tapping helped me rewrite a childhood memory and create a new story around it.
  • [19:05] The importance of taking time to grieve and tapping into modalities to make the situation lighter.

Listen here: Writing a Different Story When Dealing with the Grief of Infertility, Miscarriages, and Stillbirths

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Learn THE steps you need to take to improve your fertility & prepare your body for the arrival of the baby you've been dreaming of.

🦩 Improve your egg quality​​

🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage

🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments