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Helping You Explain Your Unexplained Infertility

podcast Nov 12, 2020
Welcome back to another Finding Fertility podcast episode. Today, we are talking about helping you explain your unexplained infertility.
Unexplained isn’t a diagnosis – conventional medicine may not give you answers.
But you...
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Your Fertility Diet Plan || You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Get Pregnant

podcast Nov 06, 2020
Topics Discussed:
  • How we are not incorporating a diet but a lifestyle.
  • Not letting fear of food cripple us.
  • Why we can’t expect ourselves to be perfect.
  • Sticking to your eating plan though the holidays.

Your Fertility Diet Plan || You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Get Pregnant


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Believing In Your Journey When Your Fertility Doctors Don’t | Melissa from @ConfettiAndVodka

podcast Oct 30, 2020

Topics Discussed:

  • Why you should not keep your journey a secret.
  • The measures you will take on your infertility journey.
  • The reality of having to move because of infertility.

Believing In Your Journey When Your Fertility Doctors Don’t | Melissa from @ConfettiAndVodka



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Should You do the Elimination Diet or Food Sensitivity Test?

podcast Oct 23, 2020

Topics Discussed:

  • Why do a food sensitivity test?
  • What food sensitivity tests entail.
  • How to break down changing your diet so it’s not overwhelming.

Should You do the Elimination Diet or Food Sensitivity Test?

“These diet changes can become a new lifestyle.”

Hello Beautiful


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Surviving & Thriving After a Stillbirth | Carrie Hauskens

podcast Oct 16, 2020

“When you’re ready to release the bitterness and anger, it’s a very scary place.”

Topics Discussed:

  • How you begin to evaluate your relationships when dealing with infertility.
  • The importance of mental health for yourself and those around you.
  • How friendships change on...
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Top 3 Reasons Your Fertility Diet Might Not Be Working

podcast Oct 09, 2020

“Committing to a diet change is hard to do in a society that judges you for diet changes.”

Topics Discussed:

  • Intolerances and how they affect our day to day.
  • How even healthy foods can be wrong for us.
  • The importance of your mindset and how it affects stress.
  • The importance of...
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Pregnant Naturally After Years of Failed Fertility Treatments with Erin McDaniel

podcast Jul 31, 2020

Topics Discussed:

  • Dealing with shame associated with infertility.
  • The fear that comes with getting pregnant.
  • Finding balance with your healthy lifestyle changes.
  • All the things we are not taught.

Pregnant Naturally After Years of Failed Fertility Treatments with Erin McDaniel

In today’s...

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What You Need To Know About Coronavirus and Your Fertility

podcast Mar 13, 2020
We've got a BONUS episode of The Fertility Connection Talk Show discussing What You Need To Know About Coronavirus and Your Fertility
Today we wanted to dig into what you need to know about the coronavirus and the impact on your fertility
The world is...
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What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant?

podcast Mar 06, 2020
Welcome back to another episode of Finding Fertility.
36 | What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant? | The Fertility Connection Talk Show
“Unhealthy people get pregnant all the time... It's their level of their fertility...
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How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant? Interview with Dr. Reena Dalal

podcast Feb 21, 2020

Topics Discussed:

Infertility as a newer disease

Knowing what your body can and cannot do

Personalizing treatments to improve fertility 

The impact on our children prior to conception

Welcome back to another episode of Finding Fertility: Improve Your Fertility with Epigenetics:...

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50% Complete

Learn THE steps you need to take to improve your fertility & prepare your body for the arrival of the baby you've been dreaming of.

🦩 Improve your egg quality​​

🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage

🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments