“Everything in our bodies is made up from the foods we eat, so if you think that whatever you’re putting in your body isn’t making you who you are, you’re wrong.”
Topics Discussed:
The importance of addressing gut health.
The negative effects of antibiotics on the...
“Your mental, emotional, and physical health impacts your fertility health; there’s no separation between the two.”
Topics Discussed:
The negative impact of continuous fertility treatments drug use.
The detrimental effects of long-term birth control.
The disempowerment of...
“Donor-conceived people have to live with the choices the recipient parents made more than anyone else.”
Topics Discussed:
Importance of addressing trauma before starting assisted reproduction.
The significance of acknowledging the biological parent in donor-conceived families.
“The pain, stigma, and callousness against infertility drive people to operate in the dark and not talk to their community about this.”
Topics Discussed:
The importance of being told about donor conception.
The safety and health of donor-recipient parents.
Evidence of...
“Emotions are how your body speaks to you; emotions are energy and motions.”
Topics Discussed:
The importance of understanding emotions.
The impact of energy and trauma in reproductive issues.
How to reverse your health and age in reverse.
The power of radical honesty and...
“When someone gives a pregnancy announcement, and you feel triggered, allow yourself to feel all the feels and don’t deny it or try to push it away.”
Topics Discussed:
The importance of following your intuition.
How to change things and become a conscious mama.
How to view...
“Your IVF doctor is there to give you IVF, not to support you in increasing your fertility.”
Topics Discussed:
Listen to your intuition and reclaim personal power.
The importance of having an individualized approach to fertility.
The damage and limitations of fertility treatments.
...“How our skin gives us clues about our health and how it can help us get to the root cause if we pay attention to it.”
Topics Discussed:
Skin issues as warning signs of imbalances in the body.
The role of gut health in skin issues and hormonal imbalances.
The power of seasonal...
“It’s in hearing stories from each other that we can lift each other and have the confidence to advocate for ourselves, change those stories, and know that we don’t have to take that answer to be what it is.”
Topics Discussed:
The importance of reversing an autoimmune...
“Fertility issues are symptoms that your body is not healthy.”
Topics Discussed:
How to improve thyroid issues.
The benefits of finding and tackling inflammation.
How to prepare your body for IVF.
50% Complete
🦩 Improve your egg quality​​
🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage
🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments