Preparing your mind for having a baby is one thing, but it’s another to prepare your body for getting pregnant and boost your fertility. With Intermittent Fasting rising up on social media as this “one solution to losing weight”, it’s time we bring out the facts and...
We're talking about autoimmune issues on today's episode: Autoimmune: Is it Connection to Your Unexplained Infertility, Low AMH & Poor Egg Quality? This was my story. So I'm really passionate about sharing this message because a lot of the time autoimmune issues get linked to unexplained...
“Every step of your journey is important, and when you feel like you’re failing, it’s not a failure, it’s just another chapter in your journey.”
Topics Discussed:
“It’s all about brain health; allow yourself to wash away the stigma about anxiety and depression.”
Topics Discussed:
Prioritize taking care of your gut health
How to take care of your brain like any other organ
How your past experiences can hinder your fertility health
Balancing Work, Life and Fertility Issues with Jean Tien
Topics Discussed:
Why the fertility journey is an emotionally draining process
How to be consciously aware of your baby’s health during your fertility journey
Importance of support as an executive mom in the fertility journey
“People don’t take their power until they realize they actually have power.”
Topics Discussed:
Are you empowered to listen to your...
“It’s so powerful to use the subconscious, this easy and relaxing technique to move the energy in the body to reprogram the beliefs in your mind.”
Topics Discussed:
Over this four-part podcast series, I go through the Top Ways to Improve Egg Quality & Make 2022 The Year You Get and Stay Pregnant!! When the doctors are telling you there’s nothing you can do, Finding Fertility is guiding you through proven strategies to improve all aspects...
Listen here: Top Tips for Your Pregnancy Diet After Years of Infertility
“A lot of the time when we have sensitives to gluten and dairy, it’s more to do with the quality.”
Topics Discussed:
Do you believe that you can increase your egg quality?
There’s a sh*t myth out there that has been leading women to believe that their age & their genetics are the only things that control the quality of their eggs. Well, Functional Fertility Health is here to call BS on the myth that...
50% Complete
🦩 Improve your egg quality​​
🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage
🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments