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fertility food Jun 19, 2020
For many women suffering from PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal issues and autoimmune issues, sugar is one of the most harmful substances you can be ingesting. From the obvious sugary foods to foods that turn into sugar (like refined carbohydrates), these can cause blood sugar spikes and...
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What You Need To Know About Coronavirus and Your Fertility

podcast Mar 13, 2020
We've got a BONUS episode of The Fertility Connection Talk Show discussing What You Need To Know About Coronavirus and Your Fertility
Today we wanted to dig into what you need to know about the coronavirus and the impact on your fertility
The world is...
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What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant?

podcast Mar 06, 2020
Welcome back to another episode of Finding Fertility.
36 | What is the Best Diet to do to Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant? | The Fertility Connection Talk Show
“Unhealthy people get pregnant all the time... It's their level of their fertility...
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How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant? Interview with Dr. Reena Dalal

podcast Feb 21, 2020

Topics Discussed:

Infertility as a newer disease

Knowing what your body can and cannot do

Personalizing treatments to improve fertility 

The impact on our children prior to conception

Welcome back to another episode of Finding Fertility: Improve Your Fertility with Epigenetics:...

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Top 2 Things I Did To Get Pregnant Naturally

podcast Feb 14, 2020
“It was the simple fact that we just really took our time, for different reasons and in hindsight, we were so fortunate because it gave us that time to sort my shit out. My body needed time to heal.”  
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Surviving the Two Week Wait When You're Trying to Conceive

fertility tips Feb 09, 2020
The two-week wait can be hard and trying not to overthink the "Two Week Wait Symptoms" is even harder. Whether you've been trying natural or have needed medical assistance, the days waiting to take a pregnancy test can be awful.
But they don't have to be!
You can...
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How To Cope After A Stillbirth with Monica Bivas

podcast Jan 31, 2020
Welcome back to another episode of Finding Fertility 30 | How To Cope After A Stillbirth with Monica Bivas
Deal with a stillbirth can be one of the most devastating things to have to deal with during infertility.
You're hopes and dreams of having a...
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BONUS: Infertility + Instagram + #Hashtags | The Fertility Connection Talk Show

podcast Jan 28, 2020
To Use or Not To Use - that might not be the only topic that needs to be discussed here on IG and within our community.
@robynbirkin noticed one night, that the 1.1 million times used hashtag #infertility was "FILLED with pregnancy announcements and photographs of kids" and noted how...
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How To Work With Your Fertility Doctor with Robyn Birkin

podcast Jan 24, 2020
Your Fertility Doctor doesn't know everything.
That's right.
Read that again.
Your Fertility Doctor doesn't know everything. While I'm a 100% sure your fertility doctor is trying their best to help you achieve your dream family, sometimes things get missed.
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Five Common Fertility Mistakes When Trying to Conceive

podcast Jan 17, 2020

Topics Discussed:

Unexplained infertility was just “one of those things”

Trying all the quick fixes

Trying to fix infertility with IVF

Not believing in myself

Listen here: Five Common Fertility Mistakes When Trying to Conceive 

In this mini-episode, Monica shares the top...

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50% Complete

Learn THE steps you need to take to improve your fertility & prepare your body for the arrival of the baby you've been dreaming of.

🦩 Improve your egg quality

🦩 Reduce your chance of a miscarriage

🦩 Increase your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or expensive treatments